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SEN Holiday Club 2023 – Break Time

We are keen to establish a Break Time Holiday Club right here at Mayfield School.

Break Time short break activities provide a range of activities and groups for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities who meet the criteria to attend and who do not receive short breaks following a social care assessment of need. Please check your child meets the criteria before you register. Each eligible child or young person can access up to 78 hours of Break Time activities and groups each year which can be used between one or two Break Time providers. There will be a minimum contribution from parents and carers towards Break Time activities and groups of £2 per hour. This is in addition to any specific costs for activities, entrance fees or transport costs to activities.

For those children already registered on Break Time, we will be providing a holiday club in the October half-term holidays. If you are already registered and want your child to attend, contact Leanne Dickson on 01257 263063.

If you are registered with Break Time, the cost is £12 per day.

Registration for Break Time activities will be open from 23 October to 21 December. Both new and existing members must register to access the service from April 2024.

Further information can be found on the Break Time short activities page.
