At Mayfield, pupils have a vast range of physical, sensory, learning, emotional, social and medical needs and have unique ways of learning.
Different learning needs require different teaching approaches, which often change over time. As a school, we actively research new methods to impact learning and progress for all our pupils, absorbing these into current practice to enhance provision. There is no one curriculum model which could possibly fit all our pupils. Each student needs a unique curriculum offer and set of learning experiences. We achieve this by investing in staff training at all levels to equip the team with the knowledge, skills and resources needed to work with such complex students.
We pride ourselves on providing a set of learning experiences across a child’s time with us which places the learners’ needs and abilities at the heart of provision and planning. It is based on outcomes we want the pupils to achieve at each key stage of their learning journey. This next steps learning approach ensures all pupils make the progress they deserve. For every pupil, regardless of age or ability, we seek to support them to become as independent as possible in all aspects of life and learning.
To achieve this, we developed our very own integrated approach. This is based on a thorough, integrated and ongoing detailed assessment of needs in the areas we consider fundamental to developing the whole child. These areas are linked to but expand on the areas linked to each pupil’s Education Health and Care Plan:
We want our learners to be:
To be prepared for their next steps in:
To be able to demonstrate progress in:
The curriculum is:
Supported by a wider team supporting needs related to :
Statutory expectations are met through meeting EHCP outcomes, linked to individual JAM targets which inform the delivery of all education activity
Improvement in cognition and learning evidence through:
Successful transitions are seen in:
Successful EHCP outcomes evidenced by:
Positive attitudes and behaviour are evidenced through:
Excellent attendance and engagement are shown in: