Our school has high expectations for attendance as we believe regular and punctual attendance is an essential prerequisite to effective learning. Our attendance team work closely with families to ensure that barriers to poor attendance can be removed.
At Mayfield, we aim to ensure that all children attend school regularly and on time to enable them to take full advantage of the learning and therapeutic opportunities available and we expect all children to achieve a minimum attendance of 96%.
If you require a period of absence, please fill in and return the form below to the School Office. If you require a paper copy of this form, please contact the School Office. Only exceptional circumstances will be approved.
Please note term-time holidays will not be authorised.
We would like to take this opportunity to remind parents/carers of absence reporting procedures to ensure that all absences are recorded accurately.
Any absence is to be reported to the school office; this can be done in several ways:-
We are here to support those students and families with attendance difficulties, please contact us with any queries, concerns about your child’s attendance or the information we have recorded for them.
Sam Burke
Jackie Johnson
Where a pupil is persistently absent (below 90%), the pastoral team will contact parent/carer to raise concerns and to explore what support is available to improve attendance. Certain types of absence will be marked as unauthorised. Unless there are exceptional circumstances, agreed by the Headteacher.
If your child is late for school (after the register closes), they will be marked as an unauthorised absence, even if they turn up later in the day. If your child is unable to attend school, you must contact the school office by telephone on the first day of any unplanned absence or it will be registered as an unauthorised absence.