To effectively prepare students for the opportunities, experiences, and responsibilities of adult life, we believe a well-structured and highly effective programme of careers and education guidance is essential. We will give precise and targeted career information, advice, and counselling tailored to each student’s needs.
A yearly student survey and an analysis of destination data in relation to the activities students have participated in at school will be used by the school to determine the effect of its career courses on pupils. Additionally, after key events like work experience placements, EHCP annual reviews, and transition meetings, the views of students, parents, and work experience partners will be assessed.
Students can learn about the working world and build the necessary skills to help them prepare for adulthood through work experience. We give our students the ability to deepen their understanding through meaningful experiences both inside the classroom and through partnerships with local employers.
From Key Stage 3 forward, Work Related Learning enhances our curriculum offerings for all students. It is offered through organised activities that use the context of work to build knowledge, skills, and understanding needed in the workplace, giving people “hands-on” and practical experience of the world of work.
When necessary, job experience is specifically customised to each student’s needs and goals. Learners may have access to a range of possibilities both inside the classroom and outside it, including those provided by local companies, charities, and public services.
Gatsby Benchmarks were developed on behalf of the Gatsby Foundation by Sir John Holman. They define what world-class careers provision in education looks like and provide a clear framework for organising the careers provision at your school or college.
Our careers programme at Mayfield, which adheres to the eight Gatsby guide benchmarks, is integrated into and offered across our school curriculum beginning in year 8 and forward. All of our students have the opportunity to take part in career- and work-related learning activities through our curriculum, depending on their particular needs. An individual transition passport is used to chart each student’s development and accomplishments from year 8 through year 14. At Mayfield, career advice and coaching might vary greatly from student to student depending on their needs. We ensure and design work-related learning opportunities and work experience around the requirements and skills of each student.