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Planned Expansion

Dear Parents/Carers,

I am writing to inform you about the planned expansion of student places at Mayfield. There has been significant pressure on the availability of places for young people with SEN, as reported in the media recently. Consequently, the Local Authority has agreed to initially increase places at Mayfield by ten students starting from September 2024. This will entail a building program to construct additional classrooms.

The building work is set to commence within the next week, with the creation of a demountable building at the rear of the cycle track. This will unavoidably cause some disruption and additional noise for our students. Our staff and the contractors we have employed are fully aware of the needs of our students and the potential disregualtion any changes or increased noise may cause. Whilst I can’t guarantee there won’t be any noise, I want to reassure you we will take every step possible to minimise the impact for everyone at Mayfield and as ever, I appreciate your understanding.

If you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact Claire Crabtree, School Business Manager or myself via the school office.

Best wishes,

Ian Dickson
