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School Permissions Form

Our online forms make submitting essential documents and information quick and secure, saving you the hassle of paper forms. Let’s work together for a greener environment and enjoy the benefits of our digital enrolment process. However, if you need a paper copy of any information or forms, you’re welcome to email

Child's Name(Required)

Photographs, Videos and School Publications

At Mayfield, we prioritise the privacy of our pupils and respect parental preferences. We ensure that personal details and full names of pupils are never used in any photos, videos, or promotional materials.
I give permission for my child to have their annual school photograph taken by an external photographer(Required)
I give permission for my child’s photograph to appear in the local press(Required)
I give permission for my child’s photograph/video to be used for school purposes (assessment of pupils, display boards)(Required)
I give permission for my child’s photograph/video to be used for school publications and/or promotions (newsletter, prospectus, welcome pack)(Required)
I give permission for my child’s photograph/video to be used on the school’s website(Required)
I give permission for my child’s photograph/video to be used on the school’s social media(Required)
I give permission for my child’s photograph/video to be used for school training purposes(Required)


To provide a comprehensive report, we include photos in our parent-teacher communication. These photos might show your child participating in group activities or playtime. We never include the names of other children in these photos. Please note that these photos are for personal viewing only and should not be shared or reproduced
I give permission for my child to be included in the photo’s of other children’s reports(Required)

Parental Agreement

At Mayfield, we extend a warm welcome to parents, relatives, and friends to participate in our various school celebrations. During these events, if the school permits photography or video recording, we request parents to ensure that any images or video content produced are solely for personal and private use. Sharing such content on any social media platform is strictly prohibited. Failure to adhere to this policy will necessitate the school to revoke this privilege.
I am happy for my child to be included in general school photos or videos taken during assemblies, performances, or awards ceremonies by other parents/carers.(Required)
If you select no, you will also not be permitted to take photos/videos
I confirm that I will use any photos or videos solely for personal and private use only(Required)

School activities And Transport

I give permission for my child to go swimming in the Mayfield and/or local swimming pool(Required)
I give permission for my child to go out on regular curriculum visits, including community visits, shops and supermarkets(Required)
If there are any full day educational visits planned, we will ask for separate permission beforehand
There may be occasions upon which your child may be transported in the car of a teacher or teaching assistant. I give permission for my child to be transported in the car of a teacher or teaching assistant(Required)


I give permission for my child to handle food within school(Required)
I give permission for my child to take part in food tasting(Required)

Medical and Personal Care

I give permission for my child to be given first aid by a trained member of staff during any on-site or off-site activity(Required)
I give permission for my child to be assisted in applying sunscreen, when provided by home, if necessary(Required)
I give permission for staff to support my child with personal care; including changing for swimming, toileting needs as and when necessary(Required)

Pupil Information

To support pupil learning, classes may display the following basic information on class noticeboards. This information may be seen by parents and visitors to school. Forename Date of Birth IEP’s
I give permission for the information above to displayed on notice boards in class(Required)

Additional Comments


Name of the person filling out this form(Required)