Our online forms make submitting essential documents and information quick and secure, saving you the hassle of paper forms. Let’s work together for a greener environment and enjoy the benefits of our digital enrolment process. However, if you need a paper copy of any information or forms, you’re welcome to email michael.c@chorleymayfield.lancs.sch.uk.
It is important for schools to have accurate and up-to-date information about a pupil’s parents and any court orders that may limit a parent’s parental responsibility. Parental responsibility can be shared between multiple people. Section 576 of the Education Act 1996 defines those who have parental responsibility as:
Having parental responsibility means assuming all the legal rights, duties, and responsibilities of a parent. People other than a child’s biological parents can acquire parental responsibility through:
To ensure that the information we hold for your child is accurate and up-to-date, please complete the following details for all the people who have parental responsibility for your child.