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Pupil Premium Statement of Intent

Money is used to benefit all pupil premium children and supports higher as well as lower attaining children by extending the provision on offer.

  • To support the school’s mission statement ‘‘Mayfield is an inspirational, emotionally intelligent, safe, and happy learning community, where together, we empower pupils to build key skills for life.’
  • To address our ‘one size fits one’ approach to individualised provision based on key areas of need as identified in pupils’ EHCP
  • To offer all pupils a legacy of lifelong learning to take an active role in the local and wider community
  • To provide all pupils with access to fair and equal opportunities to achieve and excel in all areas of the curriculum, with specific emphasis on communication and personal, social, emotional, physical, and mental health development;
  • Using and applying the most effective pedagogy, strategies, and evidence-based interventions
  • To work in partnership with families and pupils eligible for pupil premium, to plan, monitor and evaluate support and intervention in order to secure individual progress and achievement.
  • To work in partnership with external partners and organisations to provide additional support for the communication needs and social, emotional, health, and wellbeing of all pupils with identified and emerging barriers to learning and achievement.
  • To ensure governors fulfill statutory responsibilities to make effective use of pupil premium funds in order to impact positively on pupils’ achievement and attainment.