The government launched the ‘Early Years Pupil Premium Grant’ in April 2015. It provides extra funding to schools for three and four-year-old children whose parents receive specific benefits or who were previously in local authority care but left due to adoption, special guardianship, or child arrangements orders. This funding aims to enhance achievement and outcomes for these children. At Mayfield, we use this funding to provide our pupils with enrichment opportunities and new experiences.
Not all parents or carers whose children attend school claim Free School Meals (FSMs), which is one of the criteria for us to receive the Pupil Premium Grant. Even if they are entitled to them, some parents/carers do not claim FSMs. As a school, we can receive additional funding based on the number of children who receive FSMs. Therefore, we kindly request that if you think you might be eligible for Free School Meals, please consider making a claim.
You can call the free school meals and pupil premium on 01772 531809/01772 532231 or you can apply for free school meals and pupil premium online via LCC.